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Tesla Navigation on Autopilot - Line Merge Failure?
Tesla Autopilot - Merge Fail
Tesla autopilot 2.0 lane close merge fail
Tesla Nav on Autopilot HOV Lane FAIL
Navigate On Autopilot Update: Can It Finally Handle The Loop 'N Merge?
Navigate on Autopilot handles cars merging in and takes tight exit in underpass V9 2018.42.4
Tesla Autopilot Failure - Twice in the Same Spot
Tesla Navigate on Autopilot too timid with merging traffic (V10.2, 2020.24.6.9)
Extended test of Navigate on AutoPilot - Testing the Tesla
Tesla Autopilot | Navigate on Autopilot Has Hidden Knowledge | HOV Lanes
Tesla Autopilot Fail!
Why does Navigate on Autopilot fail exiting in Australia?